This week’s mandalas are made from a seemingly random image that I shot while in the midst of shooting for a special project a few weeks ago. I needed some images of a pool that is used for swimming competitions. I planned to create a collection of pool images that could be used as a background for portraits of swimmers. The athletes would have their portraits taken in a studio in front of a white background, and then I would digitally blend their portrait with the pool images to make it appear that they were actually photographed at the pool. Very cool stuff that I had seen done and wanted to try for myself. Perhaps another time, I will share those images.
In the course of getting these pool images, I noticed something really interesting. Most of the walls around the pool were constructed of glass block. Outside of one of these walls were bushes that had red berries on them. Looking through the thick wavy block to the outside, there was a very abstract image that swirled and distorted the green leaves and red berries. Intrigued, I snapped a few images and went on to photograph the pool.
When I was trolling my image files for possible mandala sources, I came across these abstract images and thought they might produce some interesting patterns. The original abstract is the final image here.
What do you think?
Beautiful! A reason to look forward to Monday!
I love these mandalas you make out of pictures you took. This abstract one is so cool! I look forward to seeing more
Thanks, Tracey and Chandra!