Last week, I mentioned that I’d been working in the garden and rediscovered one of my garden rocks that was worthy of a few photographs. As I’ve said in other posts, my garden probably has as many rocks as it does flowers and herbs. And those rocks are put there intentionally, not the kind that gardeners become annoyed with and try to remove from the space. I intentionally bring home rocks from my travels and put them in the garden. So, this rock has been in my garden for some time and I hadn’t specifically noticed it lately until I was doing some major reorganizing and moved the rocks out of the way of the hoe. When many of these rocks were first put in the garden I wasn’t making mandalas so I wasn’t looking at them in that way. A few months ago I made some mandalas with images of various rocks, the most beautiful ones being from rocks that were made of either rose or white quartz. When I saw this particular rock, with what I believe is both rose and green quartz, I knew I had to see what sorts of mandalas it would reveal. What do they make you think of? To me, they have a sense that is both ancient and sacred.
Ancient and sacred? I agree, totally! The patterns look like something you might expect to find in a European cathedral.
[…] Often when traveling, I come home with at least a few stones, so it’s surprising that while visiting this place rich with stone and rock that I didn’t have an extra 10 pounds in my suitcase. I did find a few stones to photograph, however. This one, in particular, was beautiful with the sandstone and quartz and a few other things that I couldn’t identify. But, for one, it was part of the sidewalk design and it was the size of a 5 year old, so taking a few close-up pictures of it and making mandalas would have to suffice. […]