Snow, snow, and more snow! We’ve had a LOT of snow this year. We’ve actually had a lot of sun as well which is unusual. The combination of the two has been intriguing as I watched all the shadows created on the blank canvas of the snow. I don’t usually venture out much in the snow but these abstract shadows were just so intriguing. So I put my high boots on and tromped about in knee high snow to capture just a few of them.

©Gail Haile_Snow Shadows 1 Click on image to enlarge.

©Gail Haile_Snow Shadows 5 Click on image to enlarge.

©Gail Haile_Snow Shadows 4 Click on image to enlarge.

©Gail Haile_Snow Shadows 3 Click on image to enlarge.

©Gail Haile_Snow Shadows 2 Click on image to enlarge.
Hi Gail,
I love your snow shadows! Proof that a photog never needs to look very far to find something interesting to snap. And now it’s all MELTING! Hooray!!
:o) Millie
Gail, I LOVE shadows on snow too and yours are lovely reminders of the beauty of our northern winters.